More about protection

Child protection

Children are at a high risk of abuse, violence, exploitation and psychosocial distress. Many children living in conflict zones have lost their homes through shelling, have been displaced from their neighborhoods, and have had to leave their friends and family. PARA’s areas of focus include Psychosocial support, livelihood empowerment, Family tracing and reunification, Juvenile and justice

Gender based violence (GBV)

35% of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence. Globally, 7% of women have been sexually assaulted by someone other than a partner. Exposure of young people, especially girls to GBV comes with negative consequences on their development and can have devastating effects throughout their lives. Unlike women and girls, men and boys may face barriers to accessing much-needed support services due to the stigma of male victimization and strong disbelief that men and boys can be survivors of violence. Engaging men and boys in all their diversity as short and long-term partners in GBV prevention is essential to tackling the determinants of violent attitudes and behavior, for a future where everyone can live and thrive without the threat of violence. Our concrete response is running an integrated program for prevention and response to GBV including knowledge, availability, and accessibility of GBV services and support groups and access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services through partnerships.

Housing and Land Justice Initiative (HDJI)

To facilitate improvement of the livelihood in a country, there is need for efficient land administration, equitable access, secure tenure and sustainable management of land resource. During and after the civil War in South Sudan, Housing, land and property issues have been hiking. Among other ranges of hurdles, inefficiency of land administration services and mechanisms to address disputes at all levels of the government results in difficulties related to securing land documentation and resolving land disputes. PARA focuses on

PARA focuses on

Supporting Land Governance & Administration:

Technical support through capacity building, systems strengthening and material support.

Providing adequate housing solutions

Through assistance for securing tenure, advocating for adequate services, supporting due process on access to land, improving rental services, providing legal aid

Climate change and environmental respect (Clicer):

The primary causes of deforestation identified in South Sudan include use of fuel sources (charcoal and firewood), mechanized agriculture, rain-fed and shifting agriculture, drought and climate change, overgrazing and fires as well as conflict impacts. PARA contributes to the change through awareness creation on the importance of environmental services, appropriate climatic actions

Access to Justice:

Access to justice is more than improving an individual’s access to courts or guaranteeing legal representation. Access to justice is defined as the ability of people to seek and obtain a remedy through formal or informal institutions of justice for grievances in compliance with human rights standards. There is no access to justice where citizens (especially marginalized groups) fear the system, see it as alien, and do not access it; where the justice system is financially inaccessible; where individuals have no lawyers; where they do not have information or knowledge of rights; or where there is a weak justice system. Our Access to justice component involves normative legal protection, legal awareness, legal aid and counselling, adjudication, collaborative dispute resolution promotion and Institutional strengthening.