Our mission

To Promote, protect and improve the lifelong health of individuals and communities by creating just and safe society

PARA at Glance

PARA at Glance

• 30, 000 people reached with water, hygiene, and sanitation services
• 12,349 individuals reached with protection services
• 4 demonstration farms established
• 2 schools rehabilitated
• 1 mobile nutrition center established
• 1 student sponsored as a future Doctor for South Sudan

Livelihood and Food security

Nutrition: Nutrition is the foundation of life. Nearly half (about 45%) of all deaths among children under 5 are linked to inadequate nutrition, including both chronic and acute malnutrition. Poor nutrition also carries enormous social and economic costs, leaving millions of children with stunted growth, compromised cognitive development and poor physical health

  • Promotion optimal nutrition for the general population
  • Promote women nutrition before and after pregnancy
  • Intensify prevention and control of micronutrients Malnutrition
  • Promote optimal breastfeeding practices for children 0-6 months at the facility, community and households levels

Gallery of People's Aid Relief Agency, South Sudan

Online Medicine

Online Medicine

Online Medicine

Online Medicine

Online Medicine

Online Medicine



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