Emergency Response

We offer vital support to our communities when they need us most. We do deploy highly qualified staff in different specialized areas under our mandate


Aiming to prevent, reduce, and respond to the risks and consequences of violence, deprivation, and abuse in humanitarian settings remains the core action. As an active actor, it is empowering to understand the context and take steps to prevent, limit or end violations and risks to people’s safety. Providing information and supporting the ability of people to make informed decisions about their own situation and recovery is essential. PARA focuses on: Child Protection, Gender-based violence, Housing, Land and property, Access to justice

Food Security

Food security exists when people have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient food on a sustained basis that meets their dietary needs for an active and healthy life. Food security is threatened when disruptive events, such as armed conflict, natural disasters, or other unexpected changes, cause sharp drops in food production. Following continuous conflict and natural disasters, South Sudan is confronting its most severe food security crisis on record. Our Food security responses aim to meet short-term needs and reduce the need for the affected population to adopt potentially damaging coping strategies. Not only that but, PARA continues to protect and restore livelihoods, stabilize or create employment opportunities, and contribute to restoring longer-term food security

Youth Empowerment:

Young people face enormous challenges in trying to survive and progress in their lives. Disparities within and between countries in education and employment among youth are stark, with gender, poverty, rurality, disability, and migrant/refugee status all being major elements of disadvantage. The active engagement of youth in sustainable development efforts is central to achieving sustainable, inclusive and stable societies and to averting the worst threats and challenges to sustainable development, including the impacts of climate change, unemployment, poverty, gender inequality, conflict, and migration. PARA engages young people through community-based education, mentoring, employment readiness, and enrichment programming to help them develop skills and strengthen ties to family and community

Water, Hygiene and Sanitation:

Everyone needs clean water, safe toilets, and good hygiene habits to stay healthy, but not everyone has access to these essentials. Today, millions of people around the world do not have clean water to drink, and billions do not have a safe place to go to the bathroom. This can lead to serious illnesses like cholera, typhoid, and diarrhea, which are especially dangerous for infants and children. PARA prioritizes the prevention of WASH-related diseases as part of our comprehensive approach to health interventions. In doing this we focus on the following key areas:

1. providing and improving reliable, safe and clean water access.
2. providing and improving sanitation; and
3. promoting safe hygiene practices.

Health and Nutrition

Health system: A strong health system delivers quality services to all people, when and where they need them. The exact structure and function of health systems vary from location to location but in all cases, these systems require well-maintained facilities,


A good education offers individuals the opportunity to lead richer, more interesting lives. At a societal level, it creates opportunities for humanity to solve its pressing problems. Getting children into school is also not enough. What they learn matters. There are large differences in educational outcomes: in low-income countries, most children cannot read by the end of primary school. These inequalities in education exacerbate poverty and existing inequalities in global incomes. Despite the continuous education support, the issues around educational management override. PARA focuses on access to education and educational management


A research gap is essentially an unanswered question or unresolved problem in a field, which reflects a lack of existing research in that space. It also exists when there’s already a fair deal of existing research, but where the findings of the studies pull in different directions, making it difficult to draw firm conclusions. PARA is committed to researching topics, populations and geographies that are often overlooked in the research landscape. Collaboration and partnership are at the heart of our research activities. We work closely with community members, local academia and government agencies on research that informs national advocacy, policy and programming. Our research employs a wide range of study designs, including cross-sectional, cohort, qualitative, mixed-methods and case control studies, as well as randomized controlled trials (RCT). With dedicated staff and an unwavering commitment to continual improvement, our goal is to continue contributing to the evidence base of humanitarian and development policy and practice.

Health services Support

Health system: A strong health system delivers quality services to all people, when and where they need them. The exact structure and function of health systems vary from location to location but in all cases, these systems require well-maintained facilities, adequate medical supplies and efficient logistics to deliver quality healthcare, a well-trained and adequately compensated workforce, reliable information on which to base decisions and policies, and a robust financing mechanism.

Supporting Land Governance and Administration:

Technical support through capacity building, systems strengthening and material support.

Climate change and environmental respect:

The primary causes of deforestation identified in South Sudan include use of fuel sources (charcoal and firewood), mechanized agriculture, rain-fed and shifting agriculture, drought and climate change, overgrazing and fires as well as conflict impacts. PARA contributes to the change through awareness creation on the importance of environmental services, appropriate climatic actions

Providing adequate housing solutions:

Through assistance for securing tenure, advocating for adequate services, supporting due process on access to land, improving rental services, providing legal aid